Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Time to select windows!

Our house plan calls for a lot of large windows.  Our first goal was to make energy efficient selections.  Our second goal was to  maximize the view.  Our third goal was to allow for functionality.  I never knew I would care so much about windows, but am learning that we will be putting a lot of time and research into all the details of our home. Eric at Lite Windows was really helpful and I think we've made some great choices.

Friday, December 16, 2011

We've broken ground!

I knew that we were supposed to break ground this week, but was pleasantly surprised to find mounds of dirt on our lot this morning!  My son and I watched the excavator work for a few minutes.  He suggested that we bring his big sister back to see the lot after school.  I took some photos and video of the excavator working just in case they finished up before we returned. 

Later this afternoon, we returned with my daughter to see additional trucks and the foundation experts putting in  the footings.

Overcome with excitement, I waved at the guys from my car, but refrained from honking or otherwise causing a scene. 

I guess it's official.  We're building a house!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Trees down...

We love our wooded lot.  We were disappointed that we needed to take some of the trees down, but, as our builder pointed out, they would do us no good in the middle of our living room.